Canada in my eyes

Canada in my eyes

Saturday, April 23, 2011


The men of the Somme -by E Quarman 

"We will never comprehend,
What these men had to contend.
But it is clear, that for some time,
A small corner of hell appeared on Earth." (Quarman).

          This is a quote from a poem about World War I. In my opinion, this part of the poem shows the war is pointless and horrible.
          "We will never comprehend, what these men had to contend." (Quarman). This short sentence asks what soldiers fight for during the war. Many people may answer that soldiers fight for the peace. However, realistically, war can only mess up everything in the world. The only peace we can try to contend during the war is to stop the war. Instead, I think soldiers fight for the profits of their country. Colonies, resources, political power are the things countries send their soldiers to contend.
          "But it is clear, that for some time, a small corner of hell appeared on Earth." (Quarman). In this poem, the poet uses hell to describe Somme, a city in France where over 1 million soldiers died in WWI. Actually, there isn't a better word for it. Countries lost 1 million people to invade one small city in France. It is kind of interesting that no one ever counted how much resources countries spent on Somme and how much they could get from Somme. While countries finally get some profits from the war, they have already spend a lot on the war. Why can't we devide these resources wisely, so that we can have more?
           War is not a good way to gain something. For example, to make Japan surrender in WWII, America dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. Obviously, they achieved the purpose. However, they made over 20 thousand people suffer physically and mentally. America could actually find a better way to make Japan surrender instead of hurting innocent people. In conclusion, this quote teaches me that war is miserable and we should avoid having another war. That is the real peace.

  Work cited:

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

我愛的人 林宥嘉

我爱的人 不是我的爱人
她心里每一寸 都属于另一个人
她真幸福 幸福得真残忍
让我又爱又恨 她的爱怎么那么深
我爱的人 她已有了爱人
The woman I love has already loved someone else
从他们的眼神 说明了我不可能
I know this relationship is impossible from their eyes
每当听见 她或他说「我们」
every time I heard "us" from them
就像听见爱情 永恒的嘲笑声
I heard the laugh of love

This song was very popular in China last year. In my opinion, the real reason of its popularity is its lyrics and the singer.

This is a diary written by a guy who was dumped by a girl. He is upset but he choose to bless that girl because he loves her so much that he cannot hurt her. He decides to forget her and make a family with someone else. Maybe this is the true meaning of love--hurting yourself to protect others.

I choose this song for two reasons. Firstly, the singer is so good that when you hear this song, you just feel that it really happens on him. His voice go through to the deepest part of your heart and motivate your emotion. I really like that singer very much. In addition, the story inside the lyrics is so real and moving that you cannot stop imagine the story in your brain. You just repeat the song automatically when you feel upset. I think music is the best medicine for your heart and soul. This song has the ability to console you slowly when you feel upset. I have been in Canada for eight month and I an really homesick now. Maybe I like this song so much because I can get some memory about China from this song.

In conclusion, I like this song because of that incredible voice and the lyrics.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


  I wish to be an azalea,
  for a regretless spring.

  I wish to be a star,
  for a silent night.

  I wish to be a wheat,
  for a great harvest.

   I wish to be a snowflake,
  for an innocent smile.

  I wish to be anything,
  for any helpless people.

  Black is the brightest colour,
  Just like,
  Silence is the deepest scream.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Black Plum
  Before you read my story, here is a question: What is the best time to eat black plums? I forget the exact date but this story started in September, a period of time to eat plums. My life in Canada was almost the same. Studying, playing, and sleeping, again and again. He actually changed my life. He is Ryan, used to be my best friend. When I met him, I found that we were almost the same in many ways. We are both talkative, good at math and so on. We became friends soon. We shared our secrets and jokes. We ate together and chatted a lot. I really cherished this friendship. Plums are sweet; as a result, you cannot eat a lot. The longer we spent together, the more problems appeared. One time, I went to his room for some help about science. I took a black plum without permission. After that, our relationship changed. He didn't talk as much as he did before to me. He didn't want to se me for about one week. I had no idea about what happened. I asked him: “What’s going on? All right, I will pay for that plum.”   Fortunately, everything became normal. He treated me as a best friend again. This accident was just like a lake. If you throw a stone into the lake, nothing will happen except ripples. On a normal Saturday, we went to Fortino’s. I bought some plums and oranges etc. On the way home, I gave him a plum and said: “Here is your precious black plum. I promised to pay for it. Right?” Suddenly, he became mad at me. I noticed the fire in his eyes. He yelled: “I have never seen such a stupid person like you. Last time, I was angry with you just because a plum? It is totally bull shit. Let me tell you the reason. This plum is different from others. It is planted by my grandma and she has cancer now. I don’t know if I can see her again. In addition, you let me feel unsafe. How can you just take my things without asking me?” I was shocked and my soul went out of my body for a couple of minutes. When it came back, he had gone away. Black plums are usually purple and a little bit black. These colors always mean mysterious and sad. I knew I hurt the weakest part of his heart. I really felt sorry about that.  I regreted about what I did.  From then on, we treated each other like strangers. Both of us realized that we couldn’t be friends anymore.  It’s faith, maybe. I learned that we should keep distance from our friends, neither too far, nor too near.    

A letter for my naive…

Dear naive:
As my age is increasing, I own less of you. I want to make an apology to you but not for forgiving. When I was in kindergarten, you made me trust everyone. I didn’t know how dark and despicable the world was. I smiled even before the storm. One time, I played with my cousin. We rode the bikes on the 2nd floor. After a while, he rode on the stairs and had a rest downstairs. He said: “Come here, I will protect you.” I believed him and then was sent to the hospital. I cried because of the pain on my body and my heart as well. You went away with my tears. In my opinion, you are the enemy of experiences. After my 15th birthday, I came to Canada with my dream and ambition. I still kept you in the corner of my heart. However, they changed me and asked me to get rid of you. Who are they? You will never believe that they were my best friends. I am not good at making friends so when I have a friend, I will sacrifice whatever I have to make them happy and never ask for returns. The reason is I had you—naive, I trusted them. When they laughed at me even commended me, I couldn’t afford it. I didn’t cry this time because they didn’t deserve it or maybe I was not the kid who cried for his mum going to the supermarket by herself. That is the process how I lose you more and more. I apologize to you doesn’t mean that I regret. Everyone needs to choose between naive and armors for their heart. If you trust someone you don’t know well, the percentage of hurting yourself will be very high. I cannot afford another hurt like I had in the first November I spent in Canada. As a result, I decided to wear a very heavy armor from then on. Maybe I am wrong to throw you away and trust only a few people, but this is the only way to let you return after I cure these scars on my heart. Please wait for me, naive!

                                                                                   Mao Zhengquan (Darius)  


This is a song named 'Naive' in Chinese. It is one of my favorite songs.

Monday, January 24, 2011


My opinion:
It is really a very funny video but I don't like it very much because of some reasons. First of all, I don't think one man can punch the computer screen and make a hole on it. I am not sue that it is real. In addition, it is not a good way to release your scare. You may get hurt by doing that.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I am a hyacinth
    I am a hyacinth, but I am not poisonous . I was put in a beautiful flowerpot by my parents. In the past, my parents took care of me. They gave me water; they gave me sunshine. They tried their best to be an excellent gardener. However, now I am in Canada-far away from Shanghai, they cannot give me sunshine and water anymore. After a couple of weeks in Canada, I faded. The only thing that my parents can do was to give me a scissor. You may know that if you want the hyacinth to bloom again, the only method is to cut the old flower and look after it again. They wanted me to have energy again and they recommended me to do that. I did it and I survived. Now, my teachers, house parents and friends take my parents place. They help me with anything they can. I really thank them and I promise that I will study harder and just grow like a hyacinth- knows how to give up and how to improve.

I am optimistic !
    I like to smile and of course I am very optimistic. In my opinion, smiling every day is very important to everyone. For example, Joel Goodman said “Seven days without laughter makes one weak." I think it is true because when people have serious illness like cancer, they always become sad and frustrated. However, if you are optimistic and brave, you smile many times a day; you will be healthy one day. Laughing is the best medicine for every illness. I like laughing and something that you may think is boring may make me laugh for a long time. Sometimes, I am frustrated because of the mark, friends etc., I usually try some methods to make me become energetic again such as watching TV shows, cartoons, talking with my old classmates in China. In addition, I like to make others laugh. During my lunch period, I usually stay with my friends and chat with them. We may share some humorous things that happened on us. We may talk about the funny things we did before. I really enjoy it. In the end, I hope that I can keep laughing forever.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I am from Shanghai!
   Shanghai is a big city in China. I love this city very much. It has been developed quickly since 1980s. When people talk about Shanghai, they usually know Yao Ming, World Expo and a lot of skyscrapers. To begin with, the most famous Chinese basketball player in the world is Yao Ming. He was born in Shanghai and he plays for the Houston Rockets of NBA. He is also a symbol of Shanghai. What’s more, the 2010 World Expo was held in Shanghai. The theme is” better city, better life.” By the end of the expo, over 70 million people had visited and more than 250 countries and international organizations had joined in this wonderful exposition. In the end, Shanghai is famous for its fast development and a lot of skyscrapers. Through all these buildings, the most famous one is the Shanghai World Financial Center. Its height is almost 500metres. In 2008, it opened for business. It has got a lot of award such as the second-tallest building in the world and the highest structure in China. However, these ate not the most attractive to me. I like Shanghai because it is very convenient. There are a lot of metros, shops, schools. Everything you need is just around you. In addition, people in Shanghai is kind and warm-hearted. This is my hometown and welcome to visit Shanghai.


Friday, January 14, 2011

I like funny videos!

  This video is very popular and it was posted just a few weeks ago. I like to watch cute and humorous videos especially this kind of cartoon videos. When I was in China, I usually watched a lot about funny videos on some websites. However, my mother thought these videos were not good for me and even prevented me from using computers. Although I was not satisfied with this command, I had no choice. In order to get permission of using my laptop, I searched for a very funny video and let my mother watch it. I was surprised that she also enjoyed this funny video and laughed a lot. In the end, she allowed me to use my computer for an hour a day. From then on, I usually shared my favorite funny videos with my parents. I think my parents are really very kind and understanding. I also give the URL of this video to my mom. It is fantastic that these funny videos become one of the most important ways to let me communicate with my parents.    

I am a gourmet !
    You may know that  I really like to travel. One thing that I must do during my trip is to eat local food. As I live in Shanghai, I have more chance to try different delicious food just in Shanghai. My favorite food is Chinese food and Thai food. In my opinion, Chinese food is amazing because you can use a lot of ways to cook the same food. In addition, every province has different local food, such as Shanghai citizens like to add sugar during cooking; people in Sichuan have chilies every day. Through all the Chinese food, I like boiled fish best. It is very spicy but I think it has magic to let to keep eating and never stop. I like Thailand food because of curry. Although Indian food is also famous for curry, I like Thailand's better because it is not just spicy, it can even let you image the picture of a country with special culture. I like curry crab the most because the crab is fresh and tender while curry increases these characteristics. I like delicious food and I am glad to become a gourmet to taste it.

I am a fan !

Host Phil
       I enjoy watching TV shows, both Chinese TV shows and American ones. Through all these shows, my favorite TV show is "The amazing race" on CBS. It is a real television show that twelve teams travel around the world and have a lot of tasks to do during this amazing trip. The winner will win one million dollars. (^o^!!)  This competition usually starts in America and ends in America as well. I am interested in this TV show because I like to travel and I can learn a lot about the culture of different countries. In addition, the host Phil is very humorous and talkative. I like his special style of talking. This is also a reason that let me watch this show for over six years. In the end, I hope that I can take part in this TV show one day.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I am alive !

   There are a lot of things that I want to do before I die. The first thing is to learn how to swim. I like beach, ocean and fish. I really want to swim and dive in the sea. I image that I am immersed in the ocean, different types of fishes swim with me; there is no fighting and competition. However, I tried to swim many times but all failed. I want to be able to swim and enjoy the beach and sea.

   The second thing that I should do is to try the highest roller coaster in the world. Its name is Kinda Ka. It locates at Six Flags Great Adventure in America. I like roller coasters and I also tried a lot. I can release my pressure from it. I hope that I can sit on the seat of Kinda Ka one day.

  If you ask me another thing that I must do before death, I will choose to stay with my parents when they are old. In my opinion, nothing is more important than my parents. They give me my life; they spend their whole life to give me a pair of wings to fly to a better life. I am proud of my parents and I will try my best to let my parents happy and I promise that I will never let them feel lonely.

   When I was about twelve, I had a strong feeling that I should go to Egypt and find the secret of pyramids. My goal is to visit Egypt before I die. If I can be an archaeologist in the future, my first research will be in Egypt.

      In a lot of movies and TV shows, there must be some fantastic sports cars. I always dream that I have a car like that. I like Ferrari just because of the feelings. In 2008, there was a Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition. I have been there once during summer and I spent a lot of time on Ferrari. It is my goal to own a sports car and I must try my best to realize it before I go to the grave.

     The last thing that I want to do before death is to give most of my assets to a charity organization like World Vision or Red Cross. I want to let more helpless people get what they need by using my money.  Their lives may change just because of my help.

  In conclusion, nothing can prevent me from achieving these goals.

All about me !!

    My name is Mao Zhengquan. You can call me Darius. I am almost 16 and come from Shanghai, China. I have been in Canada for five months. I like traveling and watching movies. My favorite movie so far is "Inception" . Sometimes I am a little bit stubborn, but I am always glad to listen to others suggestion. I am not good at sports but I enjoy watching NBA, Olympic Games and so on. That's all about me!