Canada in my eyes

Canada in my eyes

Saturday, April 23, 2011


The men of the Somme -by E Quarman 

"We will never comprehend,
What these men had to contend.
But it is clear, that for some time,
A small corner of hell appeared on Earth." (Quarman).

          This is a quote from a poem about World War I. In my opinion, this part of the poem shows the war is pointless and horrible.
          "We will never comprehend, what these men had to contend." (Quarman). This short sentence asks what soldiers fight for during the war. Many people may answer that soldiers fight for the peace. However, realistically, war can only mess up everything in the world. The only peace we can try to contend during the war is to stop the war. Instead, I think soldiers fight for the profits of their country. Colonies, resources, political power are the things countries send their soldiers to contend.
          "But it is clear, that for some time, a small corner of hell appeared on Earth." (Quarman). In this poem, the poet uses hell to describe Somme, a city in France where over 1 million soldiers died in WWI. Actually, there isn't a better word for it. Countries lost 1 million people to invade one small city in France. It is kind of interesting that no one ever counted how much resources countries spent on Somme and how much they could get from Somme. While countries finally get some profits from the war, they have already spend a lot on the war. Why can't we devide these resources wisely, so that we can have more?
           War is not a good way to gain something. For example, to make Japan surrender in WWII, America dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. Obviously, they achieved the purpose. However, they made over 20 thousand people suffer physically and mentally. America could actually find a better way to make Japan surrender instead of hurting innocent people. In conclusion, this quote teaches me that war is miserable and we should avoid having another war. That is the real peace.

  Work cited:

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

我愛的人 林宥嘉

我爱的人 不是我的爱人
她心里每一寸 都属于另一个人
她真幸福 幸福得真残忍
让我又爱又恨 她的爱怎么那么深
我爱的人 她已有了爱人
The woman I love has already loved someone else
从他们的眼神 说明了我不可能
I know this relationship is impossible from their eyes
每当听见 她或他说「我们」
every time I heard "us" from them
就像听见爱情 永恒的嘲笑声
I heard the laugh of love

This song was very popular in China last year. In my opinion, the real reason of its popularity is its lyrics and the singer.

This is a diary written by a guy who was dumped by a girl. He is upset but he choose to bless that girl because he loves her so much that he cannot hurt her. He decides to forget her and make a family with someone else. Maybe this is the true meaning of love--hurting yourself to protect others.

I choose this song for two reasons. Firstly, the singer is so good that when you hear this song, you just feel that it really happens on him. His voice go through to the deepest part of your heart and motivate your emotion. I really like that singer very much. In addition, the story inside the lyrics is so real and moving that you cannot stop imagine the story in your brain. You just repeat the song automatically when you feel upset. I think music is the best medicine for your heart and soul. This song has the ability to console you slowly when you feel upset. I have been in Canada for eight month and I an really homesick now. Maybe I like this song so much because I can get some memory about China from this song.

In conclusion, I like this song because of that incredible voice and the lyrics.